Terms and Conditions of Business
Service is operated by Phones Reunited Limited trading as We Fix Mobiles.Com and may be referred to as “We, Us, Our, or the Company”. “Units” refer to all Phones, iPods, PDA’s Laptop Computers and all other mobile devices. “Dealers” are service providers such as Jersey Telecoms, Sure, Airtel and others who accept your unit for repair amongst other operations.
1.00 Contract
The agreement under which We are to provide the Services to you are governed by the following terms and conditions.
1.01 Services
The Services that you have ordered from Us and We have agreed to provide.
1.02 Pricing
All prices are in UK Sterling. All prices listed or quoted are based on cost prevailing at the time when they are given or agreed. We shall be entitled to adjust the price for Services as at the time of delivery by such amount as may be necessary to cover any increase sustained by Us – and any direct or indirect costs of handling and servicing the Units.
1.03 Our Obligation
We shall deliver the Services to you in accordance with the Contract. We shall use all reasonable endeavours to comply with any agreed timetable for the delivery of the Services, but the time of delivery shall not be of the essence. All repairs are carried out on a “best endeavours” basis.
1.04 Payment
You must pay all charges for Services as agreed between Us. Our terms of payment are for all charges to be paid upon delivery of goods to us unless you have a credit account with us.
1.05 Additional Work
Any charges that We agree with you in advance are for the work that We agree at the time. If We are asked to carry out additional work or your instructions to Us change We reserve the right to review the implications to time and cost and to define and agree any additional charges.
1.06 Loan Units
A Loan Unit may be available for the duration of the repair process. This unit remains the property of the Company and must be returned upon demand and/or when you collect your unit. It is issued in showroom condition and must be returned in the same condition. You will be liable and charged for any damage or loss to the loan unit however caused. A refundable deposit may be charged.
1.07 Incoming Units
All incoming units are subjected to a 30+ point incoming Quality Control procedure which must be completed before any work is carried out. Any units found with faults not correlating to their Service Request Form or with undeclared faults will be immediately put on hold. An engineer will assess the unit and issue a detailed quotation for the required work. We will require your authorisation before any further work is carried out. An inspection fee of £21.00 (inc GST) applies which you will be liable for irrespective whether you continue the repair or not.
1.08 Fixed Repair Price Guarantee
We guarantee a Fixed Price Repair for specific faults on specific units. These prices only apply if your Service Request has been truthfully completed with all faults declared.
1.09 Data
The Company is not responsible for any software or data lost on the unit. You are solely responsible for backing up the data on the unit prior to presenting it for repair. The Company will do its utmost to preserve any data but in certain cases, especially where entire circuit boards require replacement, losses may be inevitable.
1.10 Accessories and Miscellaneous Items
Please do not provide any accessories in with repairs unless We have specifically requested them. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to accessories whilst in Our possession (SIM Cards, chargers, boxes, cases, cables, etc).
1.11 Non Collected Goods
We reserve the right to dispose of any units not collected within two months of completion to recover Our costs. We will make multiple attempts to contact you before this step is taken.
1.12 Quotations
We will only honour written quotations and estimates issued by us. All quotations and estimates are valid for a period of 10 days from issue unless otherwise stated.
1.13 Manufacturers Warranty
Any repairs that involve opening the phone casing will automatically invalidate any Manufacturers Warranty. We do not accept any responsibility for any claims now or in the future resulting from this action.
1.14 Our Warranty
Any repair made to your equipment will be repaired at no extra cost should the replacement part fail within 6 months of the date of original repair so long as device has not been opened or tampered with. We maintain a permanent record of every serial number we repair. If the fault is deemed to be different you will be liable for all costs associated with the repair of this unit. In such cases we will issue you with a quote before proceeding with any work. This excludes faults relating to physical or accidental damage.
We offer no warranty on any units that have been subjected to Impact Damage (broken screens) or Liquid Damage.
Note : Batteries come with a three month limited warranty.
1.15 Damage
The Company is not responsible for any damage caused to the unit whilst it is in transit to and from Our workshop or whilst in Our possession.
1.16 Title to Goods
You are declaring that you are the rightful owner of this unit. We reserve the right to contact any relevant legal authority or agent to verify the ownership of any unit. Any units reported as stolen will be reported to the local Police immediately along with your contact details.
1.17 Impact Damage
Opening the units outer housing often stresses other parts such as circuit boards, connectors and cables leading to other failures. Circuit Boards and connectors often sustain hairline cracks in such events that whilst left undisturbed do not effect the operation of the unit. The stresses of opening the unit can, and frequently do exacerbate such problems leading to other failures. Any such failures are beyond our control and we will not be liable for any such claims for damage unless specifically caused by us through our negligence. See section 1.22 for further information.
1.18 Force Majeure
We are not liable for any breach of the Contract caused by matters beyond Our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, lightening, explosion, war, disorder, flood, industrial disputes (whether or not involving our employees), failures or interruptions of electricity supplies, weather or exceptional severity or acts of local or central government or other authorities.
1.19 General
Any notice to be given by either party to the other under the Contract shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principle place of business or such other address as may, at the relevant time had been notified under this provision to the party giving the notice.
No waiver or any amendment to these terms shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both you and Us.
1.20 Governing Law
The Contract shall be governed by the laws of Jersey and we both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Jersey Courts.
1.21 Liquid Ingress
Any units found to have liquid damage that has not been declared will be returned to you. A non refundable service and inspection fee of £21 will be payable to us in part compensation for our time spent examining the unit.
1.22 Impact Damage—More
Any unit may operate partially or fully following impact damage. This is no indication that damage (other than that that is immediately visible) has not been caused to the Unit. Prior to opening the Unit and performing a full and detailed examination there is no way of quantifying the full and complete extent of any damage sustained.
The seemingly simple act of opening the Unit can result in such damage becoming more evident. This trait is sometimes difficult to comprehend. Free advice is always available from our Engineering Staff.
These Units are small but powerful computers which contain sensitive electronics and precision optics including glass. They will endure a certain amount of mishandling and physical abuse but, when subjected to excessive forces, they will fail - full stop.
1.23 Dead Display for Investigation
Any unit with a dead display (no image) may have unknown faults. Prior to opening the Unit and performing a full and detailed examination there is no way of quantifying the full and complete extent of any damage sustained. A non refundable investigation service and inspection fee of £21 will be payable to us in part compensation for our time spent examining the unit, this fee is redeemable againsebt any parts which may be required to complete the repair. Our Engineering staff shall contact you with additional fees if required and to plan the next stages of repair. We shall not proceed with parts replacement until discussed with you.
1.24 Manufacturer's Software/Firmware
Manufacturers frequently update the software/firmware that forms the basic operating system of any Unit. We have no control over this and accept no liability for any problems that may occur when software/firmware is updated whether the process is carried out by ourselves or others.
All units are susceptible to Viruses, Malware, Spyware and other incursions malicious or otherwise. Our Computer Systems are scanned daily by the most up to date Anti Virus programs available but we accept no responsibility or liability if your unit becomes infected. We recommend the installation and frequent update of a reputable Anti Virus Program.
Firmware updates are known to cause operational performance issues and can cause some Apps to stop working.
Manufacturers sometimes add warning messages that can be displayed on phone start up if a specific part is changed. This is no indication as to the quality or suitability of the part changed. See web site section “News” for examples
1.25 GDPR
Currently we don't store any personal information about our Customers on our computers. If you have had a repair undertaken by us you will have completed a "Service Form". This form contains your contact details, basic details of your unit and any faults associated with it. It also contains information pertinent to its repair. This record is paper based only and is kept three months after which it is securely destroyed.
· We do not employ a mailing list.
· We do not store any personal details about you or your repair.
· We do not store any financial information including payment information about you.
If we sent you an email it is because you have specifically asked us to do so!
Signed by the Board of Directors - Phones Reunited Limited t/a We Fix Mobiles.Com
April 2020 E.&O.E. These conditions supersede all previous issues.
End of document